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Why should I get my pet neutered?

When it comes to neutering, Sussex Coast Vets are so competitively priced we have clients driving down from Crawley and Brighton to get their pet neutered with us. If you are interested in getting your pet neutered, call your local surgery to arrange a free pre-neuter consult. After the operation we offer a free post-operation check and suture removal if necessary at 2 and 10 days respectively.

Why should I get my pet neutered?

Neutering involves removal of the testicles in male animals (castration) and removal of the ovaries and uterus in female animals (spaying). We usually recommend that the procedure be carried out when the animal is about six months old. This ensures that the animal doesn’t develop any unwanted ‘sex linked’ behaviour – for example – spraying urine or ‘interacting’ with objects that they find attractive.

All neutering is carried out under general anaesthetic, which means that your pet will have to be left at the vets for a few hours. They are usually ready to come home around tea time. We generally ask that your animal comes back to the vets the day after the procedure for a check up and then a week later to have any remaining stitches removed.

If you are not planning on letting your pet have a litter then we would recommend neutering. There are many advantages to having your pet neutered:

  • For females, there is less mess, less unwanted attention from males and no chance of unplanned pregnancies. The procedure also prevents infection in the uterus and can reduce the chances of the animal developing types of mammary cancer.
  • In males there is a significantly reduced chance of developing cancer of the prostate, testicles and some types of anal cancer. Neutering a male animal will also curb aggressive or enthusiastic sexual behaviour.
  • Many people are under the impression that neutering their pet may affect their personality. This is a bit of a myth – dogs actually become easier to train because their minds do not wander as much without those raging hormones!
  • Some animals can put on a bit of weight after neutering but this is easily controlled with a suitable diet – it is just a matter of adjusting your animals’ calorific intake accordingly.
  • Sussex Coast Vets would be happy to make you an appointment for your pet in order to discuss any questions you may have about neutering or the procedures involved.